"Knowing Christ and Making Him Known"
1. We believe in One Living God eternally existent as Father, Son and Holy Spirit. God is the Sovereign Lord, Creator, King, Redeemer and Saviour; who is forever blessed, holy, just and loving. God Almighty is worthy to be known, worshipped and glorified forever in spirit and in truth.
2. We believe that God alone created everything good by the power of His Word; making the universe from nothing. God formed humanity in His own image and likeness beginning with the special creation of one man and one woman. God created people for the purpose of life, joy, relationship and stewardship under Him as Father and Lord. The rebellion of the first man and woman against God is the basis of our need for salvation from the power, pollution and penalty of sin.
3. We believe in Jesus of Nazareth as the promised Messiah, the divine Son of God, sent into the world as sole Mediator between God and humanity. The identity of Jesus is confirmed in the fulfilment of Scripture; with special reference to his virgin birth, miraculous signs, sinless life, atoning death, bodily resurrection and enthronement in heaven. Jesus now serves as King, High Priest and Head of the church. He advances the Kingdom of God until His visible return to the earth as Lord and Judge in triumphant power and glory.
4. We believe that salvation by grace is necessary for every person. Salvation is deliverance from sin, death and condemnation into new life with God. Salvation is not a human achievement, but the work of God. It has a ‘now’ and a ‘not-yet’ aspect. Now, salvation is freely received through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. All believers are reconciled to God. But they await the resurrection of their bodies, final reward and the consummation of the Kingdom. Therefore, God seals believers with the Holy Spirit to guarantee their inheritance with Christ in the Kingdom of Heaven.
5. We believe in the Holy Spirit as the Lord and Giver of life. The Holy Spirit proceeds from the Father and the Son to apply the work of salvation. Therefore, the Holy Spirit magnifies Jesus as Lord and Saviour; to reveal His Word, convict of sin, impart life and seal believers as God's holy possession. The Spirit also induces holy living, empowers believers to witness for Christ, anoints them with gifts to serve, guides in daily life, intercedes in prayer and works miracles according to the sovereign will of God.
6. We believe that everyone who confesses Jesus as Lord is commanded to be holy. This is otherwise called 'sanctification', which is a finished work and a daily walk. God has already made believers holy through the blood of Christ; they are set apart from the world as citizens of His Kingdom. Therefore God commands believers to be holy in their daily lives. By walking in the Holy Spirit believers fulfil the Law of God. This produces love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. These are the marks of a holy and blessed life.
7. We believe that the Church is the global community of Jew and Gentile believers who share in the Holy Spirit through union with Christ, the Head. The Church is a 'household'; built upon the foundation of the Apostles and Prophets with Christ Jesus as the chief cornerstone. The Church is in the process of maturation; to be an expression of God's life and character in the world through faith, hope and love. The local congregation is the regular gathering of believers from different backgrounds called to worship God in spirit and in truth.
8. We believe that 'Baptism' and 'The Lord's Supper' (Communion) are two special ordinances commanded by God. These are observed by believers as visible acts of declaration to celebrate and remember what God has done for us in Christ. 'Baptism', by immersion into water, proclaims in symbolic form the new life of the believer through union with Christ in His death and resurrection. Participation in 'The Lord's Supper' is a means of communion together as one body giving thanks to God for the atoning death of His Son.
9. We believe that Jesus Christ will return to the earth visibly and triumphantly as King of kings and Lord of lords to accomplish the final victory over all opposition to God. Believers on earth at that time will be snatched up to meet the Lord in the air, during His descent, in a gathering of the saints. Everyone will be raised from the dead to stand before Christ who judges and rewards. Unbelievers will perish in the lake of fire. Those belonging to Christ will inherit a life of ever-increasing love and joy, glorifying God forever, in the new heaven and new earth.
10. We believe that the Scriptures of the Old and New Testament were originally given by God to people in their own historical situations by inspiration of the Holy Spirit. Having been transmitted and translated accurately for today, and on the basis of God's commitment to speak through Scripture, especially as it testifies to Jesus Christ, it remains the supreme authority for our faith and life.